A new favourite of Ron’s is his 1953 FENDER ESQUIRE, he acquired this guitar about 4 years ago.
Ronnie’s always picks this guitar as an alternative to his beloved ‘55 STRAT. During the recent Faces gigs he was using it more and more at every show! No matter how minimal Ronnie plays, weather it’s Rhythm or Lead, it cuts right thru and fills the guitar parts As only Woody can!
Whatever else comes and goes thru Ronnie’s hands, OLD ‘55 STRAT is always his #1 guitar! When Woody signed to Warner Brothers in 1974 they bought this guitar as a gift and since then it’s been in the Frontline of His guitar Arsenal, therefore, it is on almost everything he has recorded. This Strat is a little Different from most others as it doesn’t have a Tremolo Unit in the guitar, so it’s a Non Trem Model. The strings go thru the Body the same as a Telecaster.
It sounds even more STRATY!
A HUGE Mainstay of Ronnie’s time with The Faces! Visually, as well as it’s Sound This is the “STAY WITH ME!” Guitar, so it’s usually kept in an Open E Tuning. Just as the OLD ‘55 STRAT is, THE Z is always at hand before most other guitars. It’s just part of Ronnie’s playing Psyche.